Just like anything you love in life, your jewellry needs to be looked after. At Karmique Jewel, we want your jewellry to maintain its beauty and shine for years. Here are some important tips to help you keep your jewellry looking its best:
  • Avoid Exposure to Substances: To protect the integrity of your jewelry, avoid exposing it to perfumes, creams, oils, and household chemicals. These substances can cause discoloration, tarnishing, or damage to the delicate finishes of your pieces. It is best to apply perfumes, lotions, and creams before putting on your jewelry.
  • Store Each Piece Separately: To prevent scratches and tangling, store each item of jewelry separately in the box or pouch provided. This will help preserve the individual beauty of each piece and maintain their pristine condition.
  • Secure Chains and Lay Flat: For necklaces and chains, always fasten the clasp and lay them flat when storing. This prevents them from getting tangled or knotted, which can cause damage or breakage. Taking a few extra seconds to secure your chains will go a long way in preserving their longevity.
  • Avoid Extreme Humidity and Heat: Exposure to extreme humidity or heat can accelerate the tarnishing process of certain metals, such as sterling silver. To prevent tarnishing, store your jewelry in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight and excessive humidity. Consider using anti-tarnish strips or storing silver jewelry in a sealed plastic bag or airtight box when not in use.
  • Remove Before Showering or Swimming: To protect your jewelry from potential damage, it is important to remove it before showering, bathing, or swimming. Water, soap, and chlorine can be harsh on certain metals and gemstones, leading to tarnishing or other forms of deterioration. Keep your jewelry dry and away from water-related activities to maintain its luster.
  • Regular Cleaning: Regular cleaning is essential to keep your jewelry looking its best. We recommend cleaning your jewelry using warm soapy water and a soft cloth provided with your purchase. Gently scrub the surface of your jewelry, paying attention to intricate details and gemstone settings. Rinse thoroughly and pat dry with a clean cloth. Avoid using abrasive cleaners or brushes, as they may scratch or damage your jewelry.
Remember, with time and wear, sterling silver jewelry will naturally oxidize and tarnish. Storing silver jewelry in a sealed plastic bag or airtight box when it is not being worn can help minimize exposure to air and slow down the oxidation process.
By following these simple care instructions, you can ensure that your Karmique Jewel pieces retain their beauty and charm, allowing you to enjoy wearing them for years to come. If you have any specific questions about the care of your jewelry, please don't hesitate to contact our customer service team.